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萌の朱雀/暗戀家族 / 河瀨直美

生活在奈良县西吉野村的田原孝三(国村隼饰)一家五口,母亲、妻子、姐姐留下的儿子荣介、还有女儿美智,在这远离城镇的林区平静地生活。人们盼望已久的修建铁路的计划终于实施,为了铁路的修建,孝三极力劝阻那些想要离开村庄的人们。但是,修建铁路的工程中断了,已经动工的隧道废弃在那里。   15年后,孝三已经丧失了劳动能力,一家人的生活不得不全部依靠荣介(柴田浩太郎饰)的收入来维持。美智(尾野真千子饰)一直对荣介怀有一种模糊的爱慕,而荣介在暗恋着舅母。有一天,孝三带着自己心爱的8mm摄像机离开了家,从此再也没有回来...

Ni tsutsumarete/Embracing / 河瀨直美


沙羅双樹/Sharasojyu / 河瀨直美

奈良の旧市街地(ならまち)で代々墨職人を受け継いできた麻生家は旧家に暮らす4人家族。クラクラするように暑い地蔵盆の日、双子の兄が、"神隠し"にあったように行方不明になってしまう。残された家族の「刻」は、その日を境に止まってしまった。まるで悠久の歴史が蓄積された"奈良"の、刻のうねりに呑み込まれたかのように・・・。 5年後、17歳になった双子の弟・俊は美術部に在籍する高校生。等身大のキャンパスに忘れることのできない兄への想いを描きつづけている。幼馴染みの夕とは言葉にならない淡い気持ちを共有しながらも、どこか...

鬼畜大宴会/Kichikudaienkai / 熊切和嘉

1975年,《索多玛120天》给皮耶尔·保罗·帕索里尼的艺术生涯画上了句号,1997年,第二个“索多玛120天”《鬼畜大宴会》径直揭开了熊切和嘉的帷幕。   《鬼畜大宴会》的故事以日本1970年代初的学生造反运动全盛期为背景。“左翼”学生领袖相泽深陷囹圄,组织内部群龙无首,一片狼藉,有人选择退出,有人选择了背叛。相泽女友雅美出面主持大局,这时传来了相泽在狱中割腹自杀的消息。领袖之死俨然信仰崩溃,加剧了组织的坍塌。雅美和冈崎对组织成员进行内部清洗,先拿“叛徒”山根和熊谷开刀,将其掳至深山实施酷刑。 激进学生组织领袖被...

怪奇!腐烂的家 日野日出志のザ・ホラー怪奇劇場 第二夜 爛れた家「蔵六の奇病」より/ / 熊切和嘉


空之穴/Sora no ana / 熊切和嘉

 一切都交给时间吧,面对伤害要走下去,我们把伤痛习惯埋进心里更深的地方,成为了所谓的心结;电影里留在老家餐厅帮忙的男子,遇见了被男子抛弃在餐厅里的女孩迸出火花般的爱情,但那摇摇欲坠,建筑在伤痛之上的爱情,随即就要面临考验……相隔五年,熊切和嘉继惊艳四座的《鬼畜大宴会》后,另一部以疗伤为旨的小品电影。 北海道的蓝天,公路旁名字古怪的食店,都曾经沧海。经营食店的,是被女人抛弃了的父与子。这天,父亲心血来潮到老远追逐马场风光去了。她一顿饭后给小男友甩了,孤独的儿子遇上野性的她。她留下帮忙,有时也和他睡...

Сегодня увольнения не будет/Segodnya uvolneniya ne budet / Aleksandr Gordon

I finally got a copy of There Will Be No Leave Today (It has German subtitles, which helped a little since I know some German, but the dialog does not matter that much). The film is about solders who have to remove WWII bombs which where found under a public road and drive them outside the town where they will be blown up. It surprised me how good it was. There is very little of the Tarkovsky touch here and the camera movements and the editing are quite traditional (but still very well done). ...

Sacrifice, Le/Offret / Andrei Tarkovsky

Please forgive this disorganized, vague rambling...it is difficult to put into words what this film has done for me, as it is a spiritual experiment in time and character more than it is a traditional film. I will say right off that this movie is not for everyone. Tarkovsky is a fan of long takes, slow character development and awkward silences. Even though this is one of my favourite films, it was a struggle to get through the whole thing...which is, in fact, an effective medium to describe a ...

Tempo di viaggio/Voyage in Time / Tonino Guerra

I don't know whether I expected something more challenging...The landscapes are quite interesting, though the final cut of Nostalghia is considerably more beautiful. I found Tarkovsky's commentaries on the work of other directors quite interesting, though most of what he said was already obvious from his films. I couldn't understand Guera's poetry lesson, maybe it has a meaning, most probably is just an exercise in vanity. Overall the movie is rewarding in several respects, any Tarkovsky fan s...

Antena/ / 熊切和嘉


ノン子36歳/Nonko 36-sai / 熊切和嘉


Ностальгия/Nostaghia / Andrei Tarkovsky

I didn't want to comment on this at first but given the fact that most of the positive reviews are Tarkovsky fanatics and the negative reviews are not so interested in Tarkovsky as a director to give him a fair account I took the burden to comment halfway. First of all the movie has some of the most beautiful images caught on film that I have ever seen, and I am not talking about how beautiful Italy is but about how Tarkovsky the director uses that beauty. Unfortunately all this beauty goes to w...

Сталкер/Stalker / Andrei Tarkovsky

The Region 2 Artificial Eye DVD includes interesting interviews with the cameraman and production designer. The production designer reveals that the film was completed only to be destroyed because it had been shot on experimental Kodak and couldn't be developed - a whole year's work was ruined. He proposes the possibility that the authorities of the time didn't want it to be developed. The incident nearly destroyed Tarkovsky. He was finally persuaded to go back and film a new Stalker, this time ...

Зеркало/Zrekalo / Andrei Tarkovsky

It's not easy to make such judgments, but this is my favorite film. A personal choice, for sure, but what MIRROR achieves is the height of poetry and literature. Its final moment, if it works for you (and I can imagine it wouldn't for all), is a success of the "method of indirection" sought by poetry. Its effect is cumulative and devastating. People often stress the difficulty of this film, but my only answer is to allow it to wash over you and allow it to have its effect. The first time I saw ...

Солярис/Solaris / Andrei Tarkovsky

Two truths drive this film: the inadequacy of human-kind to understand the Universe, and the inadequacy of human-kind to understand the human heart. As such, using Lem's original idea, Tarkovsky successfully, explores these themes. We are drawn in, through hauntingly beautiful imagery, to the internal struggles of Kris Kelvin as he attempts to understand feelings of love for his suicided wife, who has been mysteriously resurrected, presumably as an attempt by Solaris to communicate, or torture...

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