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没有你在/Sans toi / 胡伟

真实再现了一名非法移民的中国中年女人在法国,面对现实中众多磨难却依然选择乐观坚强的生活。法国知名漫画家埃德蒙-博杜恩(Edmond Baudoin)先生为影片作画。目前,法国舆论也高度关注这部影片,但导演胡伟在接受新浪娱乐独家连线时,却表示影片引起的外界关注并不能为女主人公的生活带来改变:“不可能。也不需要。我希望的只是大家能对他们多一些关注,给予一些理解和尊重。对我来说她和她的朋友都是勇敢的人 导演阐述:原始动机是‘中国女工刘春兰非法移居法国意外身亡’事件。随后发生的一系列社会问题让我触动很大,也开始关注在‘光...

乌金/a journal of crude oil/煤钱/黑金/采油日记 / 王兵

可以将镜头牢牢对准底层老百姓的民生苦难和社会变迁,并且用艺术的眼光和哲学的深度,震撼人心的中国导演并不多,王兵却当之无愧。《铁西区》中,他在火车司机旁侧的位置架起摄像机,随着火车的移动,镜头穿越破败冷清的老工业区,沿着漫长的铁路线一直深入到工厂车间的核心。《煤钱》中,王兵同样借用拉煤司机的卡车副座位置, 透过车前窗玻璃,随着货车的移动,一开始就将观众带到山西风沙漫天的煤场腹地。镜头下煤灰和黄沙交织在一起,和着呼呼的风声,在天空中交织成灰色的独特世界。在这里简陋的小餐馆里,拉煤司机和老板进行最初交...

现实是过去的未来/Disorder / 黄伟凯

我们每天的日常生活里充斥着各种荒诞的事件。影片由20多个发生在城市里的事件拼贴而成:一个拿不到赔偿金而扬言自杀的男人;一个在路中央手舞足蹈的疯子;一群在高速路上失控的猪;随意乱过马路的行人;在消费过程中出现的假钞;在建筑工地里发现的文物;城市的河流里既有打着环保旗号的游泳队伍,又有不怕肮脏的渔夫,甚至还有一条逃跑出来的鳄鱼…… 导演阐述:在两年间我收集了DV爱好者拍摄的各种素材,并决定做一部有自己风格的城市交响曲。一直以来,城市交响曲形式的纪录片都没有展现现实的声音,如沃尔特?鲁特曼的《柏林:城市交响...

Glaneurs et la glaneuse... deux ans après, Les/ / Agnès Varda

Agnéz Varda enjoyed making her scavenger film so much she went out with her handi-cam and did it again. The whopping great distribution can't have slowed her down either. One of the subjects says she shouldn't have been in the first one so much, so she minimises her presence - ineffectively because the winning, quirky first person author is still the star. Detail of the character who lives off garbage and runs in the Paris marathon is particularly intriguing. The insets of the first film, the h...

Glaneurs et la glaneuse, Les/拾荒者 / Agnès Varda

To glean is to see something beautiful or useful in something that is conventionally useless, pointless or ugly, and to make that thing even more beautiful or useful. One can consume the stuff they glean, or they could recycle it into an art form, creating a whole new purpose for the object(s). Gleaning also applies to our basic ability for survival. In the worst times of our lives, whether it's the death of a friend or facing poverty or illness, there is a way of seeing things positively that h...

Cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma, Les/A Hundred and One Nights / Agnès Varda

Not since Francois Truffaut's "Day for Night" has there been a more loving and jubilant tribute to cinema. The wonderful Michel Piccoli plays an aging legendary actor/director/producer who lives in a glorious country estate, where movie memorabilia line his walls, and famous French and international celebrities drop by daily for visits. Some of the celebrities include Marcello Mastroianni, Gerard Depardieu, Jeanne Moreau, Hannah Schygulla, Alain Delon, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Gina Lollobrigida, and ...

Demoiselles ont eu 25 ans, Les/The Young Girls Turn 25 / Agnès Varda

 In 1967, the phenomenally successful director of the films Lola and the groundbreaking musical Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, Jacques Demy, arrived in the little port town of Rochefort and, together with his art director, decorated the whole town in cheerful, almost surreal fashion for the filming of his next musical, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort. This enormously well-received film, packed with songs which became integral to French popular culture, put the little town of Rochefort "on the map." ...

Jacquot de Nantes/ / Agnès Varda

It will probably help if you did a little reading up on what the movie was about before you watched it. For a person who likes to start a movie cold, the film confused me in the beginning. Then in due course of time I understood the rhythm but was still confused with the alteration of colour and B&W shots of essentially the same scene. So the movie gets off to a bad start by assuming that audience members are already in the know. It was interesting to see how various aspects of Demy's film maki...

Kung-fu master!/ / Agnès Varda

a teenager boy, a middle-aged woman. the love between these two? what kind of ending you will give it? it is a delicate movie in the sense of emotion description. From the camera, the director makes us feel that there is a man inside that little boy, who loves the "kung fu master" video game very much. His eyes talk like a man, his hands move like a man, he acts like a man in front of that woman. It is possible to forget about the big age difference between these two. At this point, I think the ...

Jane B. par Agnès V./ / Agnès Varda

这是一部原籍英国的著名歌手和演员 Jane Birkin〔珍.宝金〕的「电影大头贴」。1946年生於伦敦的她,十五岁时就到巴黎寻求发展她的演艺事业。1964年开始於剧场演出,并遇到她的第一任丈夫,英国著名的电影配乐 John Barry (作品有《007续集-爱皆自俄来》、《金手指》、《似曾相识》、《与狼共舞》…等)。1965年开始从事电影表演,1966年则参与演出导演 Antonionin 的《春光乍泄》。刚开始她以性感的形像闻名,更曾以裸体写真的方式出现在男性杂志《他》(Lui),随後则以幽默喜剧,甚至深沉内敛的演技令人刮目相看。到目前为止,她已前...

T'as de beaux escaliers tu sais/T'as de beaux escaliers tu sais / Agnès Varda


Vagabond/ / Agnès Varda

A Rave! Beautifully photographed by Patrick Blossier, every shot, every frame is a delightfully balanced composition of light, color, and framing. What's more amazing still is how Varda can make such a depressing story so mesmerizing. It is a touching, enchanting story of a lost girl slowly sinking deeper and deeper into society's refuse pile. And even though from the first reel we know her fate, we have to see how it unfolds. I don't remember the last time I saw such a beautiful film. One for ...

7p., cuis., s. de b., ... à saisir/ / Agnès Varda

1984年七月, Varda 在 Avignon 的一栋养老院里看到一个名为《活生生与人造的》(Le vivant et l'artificiel)的展览。展览场里,艺术品与动物、人工心脏、发霉的墙壁混乱地共存著。视觉上的震憾让她久久不能自己,於是她决定带领我们,重回险地。我们看到一间间住宅,或空的、或满的。随著时间流逝,却留下奇怪的痕迹。另外, Varda 也在这家养老院里遇到了即将是《无法无家》里的「女仆」 Yolande Moreau 和「老太太」 Marthe Jarnias 。

Dites cariatides, Les/ / Agnès Varda

Commissioned by French television, this is a short documentary on the neo-classical statues found throughout Paris, predominantly on the walls of buildings, holding up windows, roofs etc. (the title translates as 'the so-called Caryatides'). As one might expect from Varda, the film is strongly feminist, as she draws out wider symbolic and social implications from these images of women holding up huge weights, both then and now, but it is playfully so. The film becomes much sadder when she talks ...

Splav meduze/The Medusa Raft / Karpo Acimovic-Godina

This is a brilliant surrealistic film. But also a fully realistic story about a time when the brave avant-guarde artists were trying to explore the unknown landscapes of human possibilities. The contrast between two realities: the poor village and the dadaist artists is shown very smart and brings the possibility of changing the world by the art. Unfortunately, that progressive ideals of making the world better by revealing new areas of imagination, that ruled in the first half of XX century,...

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