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Letters from China/ / Joris Ivens

I could see this short-film in the International Festival in my city, in a double-program with Johnny Guitar, directed by Nicholas Ray. It tries to show us (Occidental citizens) about the way of life in the East, in China, during the months before spring. It's nice to know how different we are, how is considered spring as a birth of life. We can see performances, works, houses, landscapes... that can make us think about cultural differences between two worlds in the same world... But, honestly, ...

Rotterdam-Europoort/ / Joris Ivens


17e parallèle: La guerre du peuple, Le/ / Joris Ivens


Peuple et ses fusils, Le/ / Joris Ivens


The Drugstore/ / Joris Ivens


Ouigours, Les/ / Joris Ivens


Une histoire de vent/ / Joris Ivens

1984-1988年伊文思与罗丽丹多次来中国,拍摄他酝酿已久的纪录片《风的故事》。年近90的伊文思继续进行艺术探索,影片拍摄的几乎是被认为无法拍摄的事物。这是伊文思对自己几十年艺术生涯总结式的归述,融合了他早期的抒情性的电影语言,“直接电影”的手法,以及超现实主义的表达方法。影片的表现手法细腻,内容虽然抽象而又晦涩,但是富有想象力和启发性,受到人们的热烈称赞。此片是他的最后一部作品,于1989年初在巴黎举行了首映式。   ------------  

Пропавшая комната/"Chyornaya komnata" / Andrei Zvyagintsev


Изгнание/Izgnanie / Andrei Zvyagintsev

In "The Return" we saw a citation from renaissance painting by Andrea Mantenia,"The Lamentation over the Dead Christ", which had been cited also by Tarkovsky in "Soryalis". Then we saw also black and white photography,resembling in texture to that in "The Mirror(Zerkolo)",and tracking back into the forest from open space with the water("The Mirror" and "Sacrifice"). All these citations or reminiscences naturally reminded us of Tarkovsky's cinematographic tradition. So it's not strange that Zvyag...

Возвращение/Vozvrashcheniye / Andrei Zvyagintsev

消失了12个年头之后,父亲重新回到家中,而两个儿子——安德列(Vladimir Garin 饰)和伊万(Ivan Dobronravov 饰)已经长大。他们虽时时刻刻思念父亲,然真正相会时却产生了隔膜感。   父亲带着两个儿子去俄罗斯北部的小岛度假,一路上他们遇到各种困难,父亲皆能轻松解决,然而父子间的距离却始终没有拉近。他对待儿子们格外严厉,大儿子安德列对此只能小心应付,小儿子伊万却桀骜不驯。这次旅行,是否能成为父子间的疗伤之旅呢?   本片荣获2004年金秋奖最佳外语片奖、2003年俄罗斯影评人协会最佳剧本、最佳新人和最佳电影奖,2003...

Ciné Tamaris/ / Agnès Varda

Ydessa Hendeles' exhibition entitled "The living and the Artificial" (consisting of works of art all comprising a photograph of living persons in the company of one or several teddy bears) had puzzled Agnès Varda so much that she decided to go to Toronto where the artist lives and interview her. In front of Agnes Varda's DV camera, Ydessa tells about the singularity of her artistic approach. She also expresses herself about the Holocaust, which both her parents survived

Ydessa, les ours et etc/ / Agnès Varda

I won't make any spoilers. This movie doesn't want to be spoiled. This is one of those films that takes you away . . . and it's nicest to be taken away when you only little by little discover where you're going, which is so rare in the movies. The way AV negotiates this woman's story (or better, "book" in the Proustian sense. sorry about this hauteur cuisine aside if you don't know what this means), with her camera, with her voice overs and by giving Ydessa space to speak for herself, and for ...

Cinévardaphoto/艾麗絲華妲光影定格 / Agnès Varda

With Cinévardaphoto you get 3 great films in one package. Ms. Varda has brought together 3 films she has made over the span of her career. All of them deal with photos and as a whole present a meditation on what photography and the artistic impulse mean to her. While I think "Ydessa, the Bears, and etc...", and "Ulysse" are more intellectually stimulating, "Salut les Cubains" also offers an interesting time capsule appeal in seeing the Cuban revolution as some saw it back in the early sixties. I...

Lion volatil, Le/ / Agnès Varda


Flying: Confessions of a Free Woman'/ / Jennifer Fox


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