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Aram bash va ta haft beshmar/Be Calm and Count to Seven / Ramtin Lavafipour


Babi buta yang ingin terbang/Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly / Edwin


东北,东北/A North Chinese Girl / 邹鹏


再见乌托邦/再見 烏托邦 / 盛志民

现在我在做一个关于中国当代艺术的纪录片,里面采访的人,都是如今颇有分量的艺术人物,比如严培明、岳敏君、侯翰如、费大为、徐江、徐冰等等,我一直在追问他们,你们当年为什么80年代都去了美国??   他们给了很多不同的答案,还是要提到东西方的问题(和这里要讨论的问题是相通的)。回到中国摇滚乐的话题上来,摇滚从形式上来说是很容易接受西方影响的东西,我们在内心需要爆炸的时候,等到了它的到来,于是,我们都张开了双臂,热情地拥抱它。我们跟着商业机制走,我们幻想就此可以一生过自由的生活,可以坐上大篷车,每天去演出,...

Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen/Even Dwarfs Started Small / Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog's upsetting, black and white, documentary-like EVEN DWARFS STARTED SMALL concerns the rebellion of a handful of dwarves against the institution in which they are inmates. No average-sized actors appear - just the buildings, furniture and accessories that have been constructed for (and seemingly abandoned by) them. Herzog pulls a double whammy by getting his audience to identify with his performers - indeed, they are shown to express great sensitivity and pain - but doesn't cop out ...

Massnahmen gegen Fanatiker/Maßnahmen gegen Fanatiker / Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog's first film is about a young man who works out hoping to become very muscular one day. Nothing too interesting here

Die Fliegenden Ärzte von Ostafrika/The Flying Doctors of East Africa / Werner Herzog

Original title: Die Fliegenden Ärzte von Ostafrika Herzog documentary takes a look at some volunteers in Africa who fly around to various rural parts just to perform operations and spread the word about medicine. Even though the doctors try their best they are often met with people who either refuse to listen or are afraid of what they are actually trying to do. This is yet another fascinating film from the German director who of course would go onto make some of the best documentaries out the...

Lebenszeichen/ / Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog's first film is a view into the mindset of the soldier who goes over the brink, but unlike many films that might explore the concept, or even Herzog's own later, arguably greater, Woyzeck, Signs of Life is about a man engulfed by the location. The setting is interesting right away; a stone fortress that men who have been wounded or just put on leave are guarding on a remote Greek island during WW2 (of course, we're never told this, which is appropriate, one can take a guess as to t...

Letzte Worte/ / Werner Herzog

The short is shot in B&W and is a very surreal film. Set on a greek island this short doesnt have a plot but rather follows like a documentary the tragik story of an old man who withdraws himself of the life on the island. It is told by the residents of the Island. In their Interviews they repeat their sentences over and over again. The Island is probably the last place in the world, its people are the last and the old man is the last of them... Quiet melancholy but dam good! 在视觉和表演艺...

Die Beispiellose Verteidigung der Festung Deutschkreuz/ / Werner Herzog

A group of young men break into an old deserted castle and find some uniforms and become soldiers. On the soundtrack the narrator speaks of the history of the building and eventually talks of the necessity of war. Clever look at how boys playing war may end up taking it too far. Its a bit one note and is probably a couple of minutes too long, however there are some intriguing moments such as the change that happens as the uniforms are put on or how the military mind is ultimately operating in a...

Herakles/ / Werner Herzog

'Herakles' is, of course, the Greek form of the name 'Hercules'. This is also the title of the first film made by the great director Werner Herzog. Produced on a bootlace budget, this short film with no soundtrack is very crude indeed. To call it amateurish, or even just plain bad, would be churlish: Herzog clearly lacked the hardware and the money to make anything better. And yet, watching this film in hindsight, there really are no glimmerings of the immense talent which Herzog would later dis...

Encounters at the End of the World/ / Werner Herzog

Encounters is an almost straight forward account of Werner Herzog going to Antarctica.Invited to go by one of the scientific organizations he agreed to go because he was fascinated by life under the sea ice (see his Wild Blue Yonder which used footage from under the ice to represent an alien world) and wanted to have a chance to film life there. He also warned them it would not result in film about fluffy penguins. This is not Shackleton's Antarctica. The main US base is more like a mining colo...

Waltz with Bashir/与巴什共舞 / Ari Folman

I saw this film at the AFI Film Festival a couple of months ago and it stayed with me since then. This is not your typical war movie, nor is it your typical animated film. I'd say its kind of a cross between Waking Life and Grave of the Fireflies. The film takes place in the present. The film's director, Ari Folman, comes to the realization that he cannot remember anything from the time he served in the Israeli army during the 1982 Lebanon War. The bulk of the movie are his interviews with his ...

Help! My Snowman's Burning Down/ / Carson Davidson

This is one of the craziest things I've ever seen. A beatnik lives on a raft with bathroom furnishings. He sits in the tub typing on toilet paper, which he files in the toilet. A feminine hand appears from the drain, he paints one nail, and it leaves. He opens the medicine cabinet and finds a guy shaving on the other side. "Close the door, dammit!" are the only words in the whole thing. Finally the raft is torpedoed by a toy sub and sinks. Watch it if you ever get a chance! 超现实主义的短片

Seine a rencontré Paris, La/ / Joris Ivens

《塞纳河畔》(La Seine a rencontré Paris,尤里斯·伊文思,1958年|31分钟|35毫米|黑白|有声)以浓厚的诗情画意和温暖的人道情怀描绘了巴黎风情。影片开始,摄影机宛如轻盈的小船航行在塞纳河上,划过充满乡野气息的城郊,缓缓进入巴黎市区。接着,摄影机在塞纳河两岸驻足,展现岸边的生活场景:一个男人正在给自己补鞋,成群的市民漫无目的地闲逛,几个小痞子目不转睛地盯视在岸边拍照的女模特,恋人们旁若无人地沉溺在甜蜜的二人世界。一阵急雨袭来,人们迅速跑开。本片的创意源自法国电影史学家乔治·萨杜尔,试图在塞纳河与巴黎相逢...

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