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Slamet Rahardjo

FANHALL ID: im16446
姓名: Slamet Rahardjo
生日: 2010-01-01

影人概述: . . . . . .

Slamet Rahardjo Djarot born in 1949, Serang. West Java. Studied art direction at the Indonesian National Theatre Academy. In 1968, together with Teguh Karya, one of the best stage and film directors in Indonesia, Djarot formed Theatre Popular, which emerged to be a very leading theatre group in the country. Djarot, who started his film career in 1971 in Karya's debut Wajah Seorang Laki-Laki (Ballad of a Man) has played major roles in plays by Gogol, Lorca, Buchner, Brecht and several other productions - both stage and television. His stage direction of The false Hair, based on a Czechoslovakian play by Peter Karvas, was adjudged the best play in a student theatre festival in Jakarta. An Indonesian play and Djarot's latest directorial venture Dag Dig Dug has made many critics and audiences aware of richness of contemporary Indonesian theatre. Djarot made his debut film A Time to Mend (1979) (The Sun and the Moon) in 1980. A decade later, his Langitku rumahku (1990) (My Sky My Home) fetched him a number of international awards for the best children's film.

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