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Erich Langjahr

FANHALL ID: im13688
姓名: Erich Langjahr/埃里希·南加
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

1944年出生于瑞士祖格。1971年开始独立制片。1994年,与西尔维亚·哈泽尔·贝克共同创立Langjahr电影有限公司(制作和独立发行纪录片,其中包括沃尔特·马蒂和雷尼梅·坦斯,黑森州和艾萨及其他一些人的作品)。他是瑞士电影制作协会和Zentralschweiz的荣誉会员,以及电影俱乐部FLIZ beoard的成员。他的工作主要是为影院拍摄一些长篇纪录片。
Langjahr的电影获得过许多奖项:《前博托》《在环》《阿尔卑斯山之歌》《农民战争》,特别是《牧羊之旅...》(金鸽奖,于2002年莱比锡男装,2003年瑞士Fuilm奖等)。Born in 1944 in Zug, Switzerland. Started independent filmmaking in 1971. 1994 he founded with Silvia Haselbeck the Langjahr Film Ltd. (production of documentary films for the movies, distribution of the own films and those of Walter Marti and Reni Mertens, of Isa Hesse and others). He is a honorary member of the Swiss Filmmakers Association and of Film Zentralschweiz, and member of the beoard of the film club FLIZ (Zug). His work consists mainly of documentary feature films shot in Switzerland for the cinema. The films of Langjahr obtained many awards; «Ex Voto». «Men in the Ring», «Alpine Ballad», «The peasant's War» and especially «Shepherds' Journey...» (Golden Dove at Leipzig 2002, Swiss Fuilm Prize 2003 etc.).
The films of Erich Langjahr:
Feature lenght films
2009 Birth 
2006 Alpine Saga 
2002 Shepherds' Journey into the Third Millenium 
1998 The Peasant's War 
1996 Alpine Ballade 
1990 Men in the Ring 
1986 Ex Voto 
1978 The Battle of Morgarten 
Short films
1993 Portrait d'un coureur cycliste 
1992 Unter dem Boden 
1983 O.K. 
1982 Do it yourself 
1981 Made in Switzerland 
1980 Achtung Kinder Pumm 
1976 Sieg der Ordnung 
1975 USA-Time 
1974 Canaria Report 
1973 Bahnhof 
1973 Justice 
1973 Der Fluss 

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