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Jon Alpert

FANHALL ID: im11967
姓名: Jon Alpert/乔恩•阿尔珀特
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

Jon Alpert has won three Primetime Emmy Awards, Eleven News & Documentary Emmy Awards and one National Emmy for Sports Programming. Over the past thirty years, he has consistently gained access to behind-the-scenes events of historical significance and interviewed world leaders when other reporters were not allowed in. After the Vietnam War, he was the first American TV crew to film in Vietnam.  When Fidel Castro came to address the United Nations in 1979, he and his team were the only non-Cubans allowed access. After the Gulf War, he was the only reporter to interview Saddam Hussein until 2002.  Alpert has a history of bringing visibility to the invisible and more than a hundred of his reports from Cambodia, Cuba, the former Soviet Union, China, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Iran, Korea, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and all parts of the United States have been widely broadcast on NBC, ABC, CBS, HBO, PBS, ESPN, Canadian and Japanese major networks. Alpert is the Co-founder of the Downtown Community Television Center, the United States’ largest and most honored non-profit community media center which is located in a landmark firehouse in New York City’s Chinatown.

selected Filmography for Jon Alpert:
Cuba: The People (1974)
Vietnam: Picking Up The Pieces (1977)
Third Avenue (1980)
One Year in A Life of Crime (1987)
High on Crack Street – Lost Lives in Lowell (1995)
A Cinderella Season – The Lady Vols Fight Back (1998)
From Ground Zero to Ground Zero (2002)
Latin Kings: A Street Gang Story (2003)
The Last Cowboy (2005)
Baghdad E.R. (2006)
Dirty Driving: Thundercars of Indiana (2007)
A Woman Among Boys: A Brooklyn Basketball Story (2008)
Section 60: Arlington National Cemetery (2008)
China’s Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province (2009)

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