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FANHALL ID: im10736
姓名: 廖憶玲
性别: 不详
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

廖憶玲畢業於東方技術學院大傳系,目前與朱柏穎共組風景映畫工作室,主要從事紀錄片製作等影像相關工作。曾以執導之《How Deep》紀錄實驗短片,獲得2003年台北電影節市民影展之台北主題獎首獎。2004年擔任台北市文化局策劃之「城市行動藝術節」紀錄片製作統籌,以藝術家與群眾互動過程為追蹤題材,共執導《女性藝術家吳瑪?—皇后的新衣》、《波蘭藝術家Marco Casagrande & Martin Ross—鐵馬屠城記》、《美國公共藝術Suzanne Lace—聚落》、《爵士音樂家 Chi-pin Hsieh & Peter van Marle—齒輪律動》、《藝術家Yung-hsien Chen—關乎老者》等五部紀錄短片。

2005年起,2005年起,陸續為公共電視與行政院新聞局製作或執導多部紀錄片,創作作品例如《在河比端In the river》、《他離開他的島He Leaves His Island》、《禮物Gift From Life》等等。

Maggie Liao

Graduated from Department of Mass Communication Arts, Tung-Fang Institute of Technology, Maggie Liao co-founds Landscape Film Studio with Andrew Chu which focuses on documentary filmmaking. She received the grand prize of Taipei Image Award, Taipei Film Festival, for her experimental documentary short How Deep, 2003. As the production coordinator for the documentary section of City on the Move Art Festival in 2004, she directed five documentary shorts featuring the interactions between the audience and artists, including Wu Ma-Li, Marco Casagrande & Martin Ross, Suzanne Lace, Chi-pin Hsieh & Peter van Marle, and Chen Yung-hsien. Since 2005, Liao has also been directing and producing documentaries for Public Television Service (PTS) and Government Information Office.

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