
FANHALL ID: im10335
姓名: | 洪榮杰/Kit Hung |
性别: | 男 |
生日: | 不详 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
Kit(1977年生)畢業於芝加哥藝術協會電視與新媒體學院,電影專業美學碩士。《無聲風鈴》這部處女作的拍攝從他念書之時便開始逐步籌劃,前后共投入五年的時間。Kit的電影曾經受邀參加超過60個國際電影節,保羅鹿特丹電影節,舊金山Mill valley電影節和台北電影節等等。
Bio-filmography of Director:
Kit Hung
His first narrative short film, [:nv:s:b/e peop/e] (2000), won a distinguish award in Hong Kong Independent Film and Video Award. His second film I Am Not What You Want (2001), won the Special Jury Prize in Golden Dragon Film Festival in Belgium. His first Swiss-Sino production Buffering... (2003) won the Special Jury Prize in Turin Gay & Lesbian Film Festival in Italy.Kit’s films have been selected to more than 60 international film festivals, including International Film Festival Rotterdam, Mill Valley Film Festival, Taipei Film Festival, etc. Kit (1977) graduated from the MFA program in the Department of Film, Video and New Media in School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Soundless Wind Chime was developed during his study in Chicago and it is his debut feature, which he has been working on for 5 years.
2003 Buffering… (38mins DV, Hong Kong/Switzerland/Chicago)
Competition and Special Mention of Turin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival, Italy
2001 I am not what you want (50mins DV, Hong Kong)
Special Jury Award, International Speelfilmfestival, Ghent, Belgium
2000 Invisible People (35mins DV, Hong Kong)
Distinguish Award, the Independent Film and Video Award, Hong Kong
Honorable Mention, Transmediale.01 Award, Berlin, Germany
Bio-filmography of Director:
Kit Hung
His first narrative short film, [:nv:s:b/e peop/e] (2000), won a distinguish award in Hong Kong Independent Film and Video Award. His second film I Am Not What You Want (2001), won the Special Jury Prize in Golden Dragon Film Festival in Belgium. His first Swiss-Sino production Buffering... (2003) won the Special Jury Prize in Turin Gay & Lesbian Film Festival in Italy.Kit’s films have been selected to more than 60 international film festivals, including International Film Festival Rotterdam, Mill Valley Film Festival, Taipei Film Festival, etc. Kit (1977) graduated from the MFA program in the Department of Film, Video and New Media in School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Soundless Wind Chime was developed during his study in Chicago and it is his debut feature, which he has been working on for 5 years.
2003 Buffering… (38mins DV, Hong Kong/Switzerland/Chicago)
Competition and Special Mention of Turin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival, Italy
2001 I am not what you want (50mins DV, Hong Kong)
Special Jury Award, International Speelfilmfestival, Ghent, Belgium
2000 Invisible People (35mins DV, Hong Kong)
Distinguish Award, the Independent Film and Video Award, Hong Kong
Honorable Mention, Transmediale.01 Award, Berlin, Germany
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