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FANHALL ID: im10206
姓名: 陳俊志/Mickey Chen
性别: 不详
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

陳俊志,紀錄片導演及同志平權運動者。關注弱勢議題,向不義戰鬥,用文字和影像實踐社會運動。作品有《不只是喜宴》《美麗少年》《玫瑰的戰爭》《幸福備忘 錄》《我的愛滋朋友》與《無偶之家,往事之城》。常上街頭及媒體為同志議題發聲,作品社會性強烈,《美麗少年》登上華納威秀及學者全球影城,創下新高票 房,獲頒1999年台北電影獎商業類年度特別獎,2000年台灣國際紀錄片雙年展觀眾最愛獎。歷年來作品獲邀參展於國際同志影展,亞美影展,山形影展,新加坡影展,福岡影展。2005年最新作品《無偶之家,往事之城》記錄中老年同志的人生滄桑,創作了繼《美麗少年》《幸福備忘錄》之後的同志三部曲完結篇。2006年獲邀拍攝雙年展開幕片系列之《酷兒舞台》。2007年以詩人鯨向海的詩句為本,拍攝影像詩短片《沿海岸線徵友》。


Bio-filmography of Director:
Mickey Chen is persistently making documentaries on queer and gender issues in Taiwan. He also participates in street protests for social movement and believes that making docs can also be activism for social reform. He started shooting his first doc《Not Simply a Wedding Banquet》 in 1996 and his works circulate in gay and lesbian, Asian-American, and international doc film festivals. In 1999, his 《Boys for Beauty》daringly put on theatrical release in Taipei and got great box office credit. Thus he won the Indepedent Spirit Award in 1999 Taipei Film Festival. Then he spent years investigating on a murder case of a sissy boy bullied in junior high school in the South of Taiwan. In 2003, his lesbian doc 《Memorandum on Happiness》 chronicled the dramatic break-up and surprising domestic violence between a lesbian couple. His latest doc is 《Scars on Memory》 which marks his first decade in making queer documentaries in Taiwan.

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