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FANHALL ID: im10108
姓名: 柯英华/Patrick Carr
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .


Bio-filmography of Director:
2009 - Film: Catterfly (In post production)
2009 - Documentary: Wu Tang Gran (Official selection for Hotdocs Toronto Documentary Festival)
2009 - Documentary: The Gift
2008 - Documentary: Women Hold Up Half the Sky
2008 - Film: April Fools (Official selection for Hong Kong Gay and Lesbian Film Festival)
2007 - Film: Subtitle (Grand Jury and Audience Award runner up, "I Shot Hong Kong" Film Festival)
Patrick Carr is from the UK but now lives in Beijing. He graduated from Oxford University having studied Chinese (Mandarin) and has spent over ten years living, working and travelling in and around China before settling in Beijing
Patrick attended film school at the Hong Kong Film Academy in 2005 and has since been active in making films, documentaries, TV commercials and educational shows in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

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