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FANHALL ID: im04842
姓名: 梁翘柏/Kubert Leung
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

香港出生,媒體藝術家梁翹柏多年來一直從事作曲,作詞,編曲,監製及電影音樂配樂等工作。1993 - 1997年間,梁氏於紐約巿立大學修讀並完成電影研究學士及碩士學位。回港後,除了繼續從事音樂製作外,梁氏還柏攝了多個MV和編導了兩齣音樂劇。「美好時光」是梁氏首次執導的劇情片。
Director's Bio
media artist kubert leung is a well-established music producer, songwriter, arranger, concert musical director, film scorer & recording artist in hong kong. from 1993 to 1997, leung took a long vacation to complete his b.a. and m.a. in cinema studies at the city university of new york. returning to hong kong, not limited himself to only producing music, leung directed two musicals for theatre and directed several music videos. “wonderful times” is leung’s first narrative video movie.

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