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FANHALL ID: im04835
姓名: 李孟熙/李孟熙
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

李孟熙的首部長片<人海奇花>於1997年在多倫多國際電影節首影,於美國的少量戲院公映時獲一致讚好。李負責影片的編寫、執導(與Justin Lin合導)及監製,並透過其於1997年成立的Margin Film發行。第二部長片<漂流三部曲>也是自編自導自製,在同志電影圈子成為大熱。其餘自編自導之作包括<志同盜合>。<無浪城市>是李孟熙首部執導的紀錄片。

Director’s Bio
Lee’s first feature Shopping for Fangs premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival opened to critical acclaim during its limited theatrical release in the U.S. Lee wrote, co-directed (with Justin Lin), produced, and distributed Fangs through Margin Films, a company that he founded in 1997. He produced, wrote and directed second feature Drift, which became a hit on the gay and lesbian film festival circuit. Ethan Mao is Lee’s third feature as a writer/director, and was released in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. 0506HK is Lee’s first documentary.

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