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Aude Robert

FANHALL ID: im04571
姓名: Aude Robert
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .


Aude Robert seeks a work of artistic researches focusing on the idea of existence. In this sense, a context determines, influences, conditions and offers possibilities. Thus, she engages a poetic questioning dg with the place of the individual in geographic, climatic, social and political context of a suggested space-time. This work is originally a proposition of a video installation for the exhibition project « The Garden of Delight ».

Born in Besançon, France, in 1978. Lives and works in Nantes, France. Graduated by the National School of Fine Arts of Dijon in 2003, she has participated in various exhibitions in France.
She works on installation (mixed media, video, photography, film super 8 and 16 mm, sound, writings, serigraphy, orgami…).

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