Lorenzo Oggiano
FANHALL ID: im04570
姓名: | Lorenzo Oggiano |
性别: | 不详 |
生日: | 不详 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
他的作品曾在欧洲,美国,亚洲和澳大利亚的一些展会和电影节上展出。这些作品是(选自2004年):WRO07, International Media Art Biennale, National Museum e WRO Art Center, 弗罗茨瓦夫(Wroclav), 波兰 [2007年] - Festival Nmo, Le Cube, 伊西莱姆利诺(Issy-les-Moulineaux), 法国 [2007年] - Athens Video Art Festival, Technopolis, 雅典,希腊 [2007年] - Cartes Flux, Cartes Centre of Art and Technology, Espoo, 芬兰 [2007年] - Directors Lounge 2007, Directors Lounge, 柏林, 德国 [2007年] - ArtTechMedia, Arco06, Madrid/Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 马德里/CCCB, 巴塞罗那/及其它城市地区, 西班牙 [2006年] - Hybridation/Heredite I. Le cinma exprimental contemporain et les nouvelles technologies selon Johanna Vaude, Cinmathque Franaise, 巴黎, 法国 [2006年] - Interferenze, “Naturalis Electronica”, 圣马提诺 V. Caudina (AV), 意大利 [2006年] - Imaginaria Independent Film Festival, Chiostro S. Benedetto, Conversano (BA), 意大利 - Living Culture. A look at the relationship between biotechnology and artistic practices, Eyebeam, 纽约, 美国 [2006年] - Figures of Motion, Internationale Videokunst, Schloss Plschow, Plschow, 德国 [2006年] - Unimovie, Museo V. Colonna, Pescara/Museo Laboratorio ex-manifattura tabacchi, Citt Sant'Angelo (PE), 意大利 [2005年] - Today in Paradise. Genetics & Art, Rda Sten, 歌德堡, 瑞典 [2005年] - Spark Video 4.4, Spark Contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, 纽约,美国 [2005年] – International Videoart, Galera Rosa Santos, 瓦伦西亚, 西班牙 [2004年] - Australian International Festival of Photography, Global Gallery Exhibition Centre, 悉尼,澳大利亚 [2004年].
The Quasi-Objects cycle, initiated in 2003, is composed of photographic and videographic materials generated with the assistance of 3D modeling, animation and rendering software.
Processing its synthetic-combinatory genesis as operative advantage within a practice of organic re-design, Quasi-Objects intended as a whole to stimulate thought and dialogue about the progressive relativisation of natural forms of life as a result of techno-biological evolution.
Born in 1964, Padova, Italy. Live and works in Italy.Works in photography, video, new media, installations, assemblages.He has a degree in visual arts (BA) at the University of Bologna (DAMS) with a dissertation on the relationships between arts and new technologies: “Contemporary art and technological interaction: bodies of mutation”. From the early nineties, he is engaged in an artistic and theoretical research on biological, sensory and cognitive mutations induced by new technologies and aesthetic-communicative potential of the new media tools.
His works have been shown in several exhibitions and festivals around Europe, the U.S.A., Asia and Australia - among others (selection from 2004) : WRO07, International Media Art Biennale, National Museum e WRO Art Center, Wroclav, Poland [2007] - Festival Nmo, Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France [2007] - Athens Video Art Festival, Technopolis, Athens, Greece [2007] - Cartes Flux, Cartes Centre of Art and Technology, Espoo, Finland [2007] - Directors Lounge 2007, Directors Lounge, Berlin, Germany [2007] - ArtTechMedia, Arco06, Madrid/Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid/CCCB, Barcelona/other venues, Spain [2006] - Hybridation/Heredite I. Le cinma exprimental contemporain et les nouvelles technologies selon Johanna Vaude, Cinmathque Franaise, Paris, France [2006] - Interferenze, “Naturalis Electronica”, S. Martino V. Caudina (AV), Italy [2006] - Imaginaria Independent Film Festival, Chiostro S. Benedetto, Conversano (BA), Italy - Living Culture. A look at the relationship between biotechnology and artistic practices, Eyebeam, New York, U.S.A [2006] - Figures of Motion, Internationale Videokunst, Schloss Plschow, Plschow, Germany [2006] - Unimovie, Museo V. Colonna, Pescara/Museo Laboratorio ex-manifattura tabacchi, Citt Sant'Angelo (PE), Italy [2005] - Today in Paradise. Genetics & Art, Rda Sten, Gotheborg, Sweden [2005] - Spark Video 4.4, Spark Contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, NY, USA [2005] – International Videoart, Galera Rosa Santos, Valncia, Spain [2004] - Australian International Festival of Photography, Global Gallery Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia [2004].
他的作品曾在欧洲,美国,亚洲和澳大利亚的一些展会和电影节上展出。这些作品是(选自2004年):WRO07, International Media Art Biennale, National Museum e WRO Art Center, 弗罗茨瓦夫(Wroclav), 波兰 [2007年] - Festival Nmo, Le Cube, 伊西莱姆利诺(Issy-les-Moulineaux), 法国 [2007年] - Athens Video Art Festival, Technopolis, 雅典,希腊 [2007年] - Cartes Flux, Cartes Centre of Art and Technology, Espoo, 芬兰 [2007年] - Directors Lounge 2007, Directors Lounge, 柏林, 德国 [2007年] - ArtTechMedia, Arco06, Madrid/Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 马德里/CCCB, 巴塞罗那/及其它城市地区, 西班牙 [2006年] - Hybridation/Heredite I. Le cinma exprimental contemporain et les nouvelles technologies selon Johanna Vaude, Cinmathque Franaise, 巴黎, 法国 [2006年] - Interferenze, “Naturalis Electronica”, 圣马提诺 V. Caudina (AV), 意大利 [2006年] - Imaginaria Independent Film Festival, Chiostro S. Benedetto, Conversano (BA), 意大利 - Living Culture. A look at the relationship between biotechnology and artistic practices, Eyebeam, 纽约, 美国 [2006年] - Figures of Motion, Internationale Videokunst, Schloss Plschow, Plschow, 德国 [2006年] - Unimovie, Museo V. Colonna, Pescara/Museo Laboratorio ex-manifattura tabacchi, Citt Sant'Angelo (PE), 意大利 [2005年] - Today in Paradise. Genetics & Art, Rda Sten, 歌德堡, 瑞典 [2005年] - Spark Video 4.4, Spark Contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, 纽约,美国 [2005年] – International Videoart, Galera Rosa Santos, 瓦伦西亚, 西班牙 [2004年] - Australian International Festival of Photography, Global Gallery Exhibition Centre, 悉尼,澳大利亚 [2004年].
The Quasi-Objects cycle, initiated in 2003, is composed of photographic and videographic materials generated with the assistance of 3D modeling, animation and rendering software.
Processing its synthetic-combinatory genesis as operative advantage within a practice of organic re-design, Quasi-Objects intended as a whole to stimulate thought and dialogue about the progressive relativisation of natural forms of life as a result of techno-biological evolution.
Born in 1964, Padova, Italy. Live and works in Italy.Works in photography, video, new media, installations, assemblages.He has a degree in visual arts (BA) at the University of Bologna (DAMS) with a dissertation on the relationships between arts and new technologies: “Contemporary art and technological interaction: bodies of mutation”. From the early nineties, he is engaged in an artistic and theoretical research on biological, sensory and cognitive mutations induced by new technologies and aesthetic-communicative potential of the new media tools.
His works have been shown in several exhibitions and festivals around Europe, the U.S.A., Asia and Australia - among others (selection from 2004) : WRO07, International Media Art Biennale, National Museum e WRO Art Center, Wroclav, Poland [2007] - Festival Nmo, Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France [2007] - Athens Video Art Festival, Technopolis, Athens, Greece [2007] - Cartes Flux, Cartes Centre of Art and Technology, Espoo, Finland [2007] - Directors Lounge 2007, Directors Lounge, Berlin, Germany [2007] - ArtTechMedia, Arco06, Madrid/Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid/CCCB, Barcelona/other venues, Spain [2006] - Hybridation/Heredite I. Le cinma exprimental contemporain et les nouvelles technologies selon Johanna Vaude, Cinmathque Franaise, Paris, France [2006] - Interferenze, “Naturalis Electronica”, S. Martino V. Caudina (AV), Italy [2006] - Imaginaria Independent Film Festival, Chiostro S. Benedetto, Conversano (BA), Italy - Living Culture. A look at the relationship between biotechnology and artistic practices, Eyebeam, New York, U.S.A [2006] - Figures of Motion, Internationale Videokunst, Schloss Plschow, Plschow, Germany [2006] - Unimovie, Museo V. Colonna, Pescara/Museo Laboratorio ex-manifattura tabacchi, Citt Sant'Angelo (PE), Italy [2005] - Today in Paradise. Genetics & Art, Rda Sten, Gotheborg, Sweden [2005] - Spark Video 4.4, Spark Contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, NY, USA [2005] – International Videoart, Galera Rosa Santos, Valncia, Spain [2004] - Australian International Festival of Photography, Global Gallery Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia [2004].
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