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FANHALL ID: if06105
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片名: 芒果
其它片名: 芒果
导演: 徐志鹏
编剧: 徐志鹏
制片人: 苏立敬
摄影: 徐志鹏
美术: 海龙
声音: 高项强
剪辑: 徐志鹏
主演: 牛牛, 郑晓勇, 张晓东, 张丽
音乐: 刘晓宁
片长: 82分钟
年份: 2011年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国大陆
语言: 中文方言
制作机构: 金灯台电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .

  Yuanyuan was a cook in one town when he graduated from middle school. He liked ride a motorcycle pick up Yulin around the town every day. because he loved Yali ,Yulin tangled with him. Then Yulin\'s brother lectured Yuanyuan. Then that boy was made retaliate Yuanyuan form more people. Yuanyuan was beaten in hospital.
  It narrates a group of hobble.They are confused to future,urge and irresponsible for love,as will as misty to society,so do some explains for true life.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


  There are two words I love, a film, a youth, youth is one of life\'s most memorable. Those memories or better, or bitter or sweet or sentimental,. I\'ve always wanted to use light to feel it, feel it, explain it.

  Youth is always one of the themes in the film. The national film has many movie presents the dreams of youth, passion and frenzy, there are also many movies in the protagonist\'s youth story presents a different kind of cruel. The cruel youth is a shocking and painful painful memories, but also a kind of special memories of youth. The protagonist Tongche bone marrow bitter experience, even in the blood, death and physical and psychological violence in youth, reflects the unique thermal, disordered and struggle. In the movie, the story is both cruel youth youth story itself, but also has a very complicated meanings, in the violence and violence, exploration and struggle story under the surface, in the movie cruel youth a multiple social and cultural significance

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