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FANHALL ID: if03687
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片名: Nuummioq
其它片名: 格陵兰岛
导演: Torben Bech, Otto Rosing 
编剧: Torben Bech
制片人: Claus Lauritzen
摄影: Bo Bilstrup
美术: Lena Olsen
声音: Henrik Garnov
剪辑: Henrik Fleischer
主演: Julie Berthelsen, Morten Rose
音乐: Jan de Vroede
片长: 95分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 剧情片
国别: 英国
语言: 英语 / 格陵兰语
制作机构: 3900 Pictures

影片概述 . . . . . .

After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, Malik joins his best friend on his last boat trip into the fjord. Malik is a 35 year old carpenter living in Nuuk. Things are starting to look bright in Malik's life, when he's diagnosed with terminal cancer and faces a difficult decision: Leaving his hometown to recieve medical care that would perhaps prolong his life - or stay in Nuuk with family and friends and die within a few months. Malik and his childhood friend Mikael decide to go on a the last boat trip into the fiord, where they seek out the carefree world of their childhood. During this boat trip, the two friends rediscover their friendship and Malik is given an opportunity to come to terms with his own imminent death.

35岁的木匠MALIK 被诊断出身患不治之疾,面临人生中的抉择:离开故乡去接受药物治疗或许可以延长他的性命。

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