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Home By Christmas

FANHALL ID: if03619
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片名: Home By Christmas
其它片名: 回家过圣诞节
导演: Gaylene Preston
编剧: Gaylene Preston
制片人: Gaylene Preston, Sue Rogers
摄影: Alun Bollinger
主演: Ed Preston, Young Ed, Young Tui
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 新西兰
国别: 新西兰

影片概述 . . . . . .

  已经怀孕的新婚妻子图伊,听到他开赴前线的消息后很焦虑。 爱德告诉她不要担心,他会在圣诞节前回到她的身边。的确,四年后他从意大利俘虏营逃出回到了新西兰。 但是,在爱德不在身边的时候, 图伊与另外一个男人相爱了。这是一个轻快、 抉择、 爱情主题鲜明的感人故事。
  A true story of romance, secrets and terrible adventure in which Ed Preston, on his way home from rugby practice in 1940, joins the New Zealand Army to go to World War II.
  His new wife, Tui, is pregnant and distraught, but he tells her not to worry, he’ll be home by Christmas. And so he is – four years later – after escaping from a prison camp in Italy. But while Ed is away, Tui has fallen in love with another man. A remarkable story of resilience, determination and love.

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