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FANHALL ID: if03616
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片名: BOY
其它片名: 男孩
导演: Taika Waititi
编剧: Taika Waititi
制片人: Ainsley Gardiner, Cliff Curtis, Emanuel Michael
摄影: Adam Clark
主演: Taika Waititi, James Rolleston, Te Aho Eketone-Whitu
片长: 2010分钟
年份: 84年
类型: 剧情
国别: 新西兰

影片概述 . . . . . .

这是一个热爱迈克尔•杰克逊的的男孩的梦想。他与他同族的堂兄弟若凯的家人生活在一起。男孩子心中的另一个英雄是他的父亲阿拉曼。他的父亲是他的神话故事的主人公,男孩把他想象成一个深海潜水员、战争中出生入死的大英雄,还是迈克尔•杰克逊最要好的朋友(他可以像杰克逊那样跳舞)。事实上, 阿拉曼是一个愚蠢、粗鲁的黑帮成员,因抢劫入狱。
  七年后, 阿拉曼被释放回家了。男孩必须要面对现实,在真实的生活中锻炼了自己,与并非英雄的父亲和睦相处。
  BOY is a dreamer who loves Michael Jackson. He lives with his brother ROCKY, a tribe of deserted cousins and his Nan.
  Boy’s other hero, his father, ALAMEIN, is the subject of Boy’s fantasies, and he imagines him as a deep sea diver, war hero and a close relation of Michael Jackson (he can even dance like him). In reality Alamein is an inept, wannabe gangster who has been in jail for robbery.
  When Alamein returns home after seven years away, Boy is forced to confront the man he thought he remembered, find his own potential and learn to get along without the hero he had been hoping for.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

参加2010年圣丹斯电影节In Competition: Sundance Film Festival 2010
  获得2010年柏林国际电影节最佳故事片金熊奖Best Feature Film in Berlin International Film Festival 2010
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  • BOY  2010-5-24 13:33,4444分享

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