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After Waterfall

FANHALL ID: if03615
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片名: After Waterfall
其它片名: 瀑布之后
导演: Simone Horrocks
编剧: Simone Horrocks
制片人: Trevor Haysom
主演: Antony Starr, Cohen Holloway, Sally Stockwell
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 剧情
国别: 新西兰

影片概述 . . . . . .

 当孩子失踪以后,一个错综复杂的故事展现在观众面前。依然沉浸于4年前丢失女儿的悲伤之中,约翰与他的妻子 安娜分手了,他似乎永远陷入伤心和愤怒之中不能自拔。当安娜怀上了约翰最好的朋友的孩子时, 一切如即将喷发的火山。这是一个引人注目的真实故事,发生在一个偏远的小镇上,虽然大家知根知底,但没人能真正地相互了解。
  A powerful drama unfolds after a child goes missing in a small town.
  Still grieving three years after the disappearance of his four year old daughter, John has separated from his wife Ana and seems trapped forever in pain and anger. When Ana becomes pregnant to John's best friend, tensions boil to the surface.
  A compelling true story played out within the confines of an isolated community where everyone knows your business, but few can understand your heart.

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