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Vostock Station

FANHALL ID: if03614
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片名: Vostock Station
其它片名: 沃斯道克车站
导演: Dylan Pharazyn
编剧: Dylan Pharazyn
制片人: Richard Collins
片长: 8:18分钟
年份: 2009年
国别: 新西兰

影片概述 . . . . . .

  A wounded man trapped in an arctic wilderness finds renewed hope of survival when he spots a convoy of freight vessels at shore. When his survival hopes take another hit the line between reality and imagination become blurred as the sky descends into a flurry of poignant crystal beauty.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

  2010 – International Film Festival Breda – The Netherlands
  2010年美国达拉斯国际电影节2010 – Dallas International Film Festival – USA
  2010年美国圣丹斯电影节2010 – Sundance, USA
  2009年第25届柏林国际短片电影节2009- 25th International Short Film Festival Berlin – Germany
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