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FANHALL ID: if03557
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片名: Pasabe
其它片名: 帕萨比村庄
导演: James Leong, Lynn Lee
制片人: Lynn Lee
摄影: James Leong
剪辑: James Leong
片长: 111分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 新加坡
制作机构: Lianain Films

影片概述 . . . . . .


The remote village of Passabe lies on the precarious border between East and West Timor. It is a battle-scarred community with a horrific past. In the run-up to the vote for independence in 1999, Passabe was a base for hundreds of pro-Indonesia militiamen - East Timorese who participated in a rampage of violence that climaxed in a bloody massacre.
Accusations fly, a pact of silence is broken and a community's soul is laid bare.

Shot over the course of a year, this film documents a quest for redemption and forgiveness. It is an intimate look into the lives of ordinary folk struggling to rebuild their homes after an armed conflict, and an exploration into the very universal themes of justice and reconciliation.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

An ex-murderer trying to come to terms with his horrific past. The struggling wife of a jailed former militia leader. The angry survivor of a massacre. A traditional leader who must broker peace.

These are the people whose lives we documented over the course of a year in Passabe. The remote village was the scene of some of the worst atrocities committed during the violence that exploded after East Timor’s vote for independence. Five years after the unrest, Passabe and its surrounding villages, still stand in ruins. Everywhere we went, we saw signs of a brutal occupation. 

We had been invited by the United Nations-backed Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation to document its efforts at bridging deep divisions in East Timor. And we went to Passabe hoping to find out how a post-conflict community can pick up the pieces and look to the future.

Our time in Passabe was often frustrating, but also enlightening and thought provoking. It exposed us to a rare and fascinating culture and opened our eyes to issues and ideas we had never stopped to consider. The journey reshaped our perceptions of good and evil, justice and truth, forgiveness and redemption.



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