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The Way I Look at You

FANHALL ID: if03553
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片名: The Way I Look at You
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导演: Jean-Stéphane Bron
摄影: Cinematography François Bovy
声音: Luc Yersin
剪辑: Karine Sudan
音乐: Louis Crelier
片长: 54分钟
年份: 1994年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 瑞士
格式: 35

影片概述 . . . . . .

这个故事发生在汽车驾驶学校里。同一辆轿车里,五个不同的遭遇,却是同样的悲惨和荒诞。五对夫妇都是试图想获得驾驶证而走到了一起,但却按国籍和肤色的不同而区分。一个女人多次测试失败,最后她通过她的佛教老师找到了内心的和谐;一名阿富汗流亡者在滔滔不绝地向他的女教师倾诉他的悲哀和忧虑;来自沃州的驾驶教师正对一名印度学生讲着种族歧视笑话,而这时被收养的海尔维希,正努力变得比瑞士人更像瑞士人……This is the story of five encounters, both tragic and funny, which all take place in one car in a driving school. Five couples who are brought together via their attempts to get their license, but divided by nationality and sometimes skin color. A woman who repeatedly fails her test is convinced she's finally found inner harmony through her Buddhist instructor. An Afghan exile confides his sorrows and worries to his female teacher. A driving instructor from the canton of Vaud makes racist jokes to a student who is Indian, but Helvetian by adoption, who tries to be more Swiss than the Swiss themselves…

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