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FANHALL ID: if03520
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片名: 老族譜
其它片名: 老族谱/Old Genealogy
导演: 鬼叔中
制片人: 黄苏建, 洪思发
摄影: 李敬清, 鬼叔中
美术: 孔德林
剪辑: 甯元乖
音乐: 胡桂林
片长: 82分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 闽西北客家方言

影片概述 . . . . . .


Record the entangled experience for changing the Genealogy.
Record the experience for Engraving movable type, hand-printed.

导演阐述 . . . . . .



Hakka is high on looking forward to find out the root of the nation. Living people want to print their names in the Genealogy, so did the dead. If anyone’s name lost, troubles came out. While doing the post-production, the cough was killing me; I had a lot of Chinese herbal medicine, but it didn’t take any effects. Is it possible that I had trespassed against the King of ghosts in my documentary?

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bt0064(创建者), bt0064

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secondtext(毛晨雨)内部交流 看过
评分: 未评分 年月:2010.08
评注: 四大发明第二
长川中国纪录片交流周 看过
评分: 7分 年月:2010.05

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