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Les fourmis rouges

FANHALL ID: if03278
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片名: Les fourmis rouges
其它片名: 红色蚂蚁
导演: Stéphan Carpiaux
片长: 分钟
国别: 卢森堡

影片概述 . . . . . .

16-year-old Alex lives with her father Frank in an isolated village in the Ardennes forest. Obliged to help him after her mother’s tragic death, she finds herself growing up too fast for her age. While Frank tries to escape the apathy in which he has been living since the death of his wife, Alex unwillingly revives her father's pain, plunging them both into an ambiguous world where the border between tenderness and desire is increasingly fragile. An unexpected meeting with Hector, a 22-year-old orphan whose aunt contrives to keep him immature, opens the young girl’s eyes about the relationship with her father. Together, Alex and Hector will have to shake off the burden of the past and learn to lead their own lives.


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