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FANHALL ID: if03098
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片名: 对狗的爱
导演: 吴明金
片长: 24分钟
年份: 2007年
国别: 马来西亚
语言: 马来语 国语

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Director’s Statement:
Seriously, this four movies are a summation of the last 5 years of my career, in terms of short form films. In this collection are some of my favorite films, including Love For Dogs, and It’s Possible Your Heart Cannot be Broken.
My films have focused on nature and its relationship with humanity. I have always been fascinated by the “beauty of ruins”. Nature is an element that man must live with, and that is something that plays out in my films. In these films, the characters struggle to reconcile their broken lives with their surroundings. Each character is flawed, and none of them has a solution to fix themselves.
And here’s another reason why I like these shorts: I photographed every single of them. Each film is framed and lit the way I intended, and in some ways, they reflect my thoughts and views of the world.
I’ve selected these four shorts because I felt they best represent my work as an artist. The stories are small and intimate, but they are also powerful and poignant. They are also funny.
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