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FANHALL ID: if03090
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片名: 村民你好
其它片名: /Village People Radio Show
导演: 阿谬•默罕默德
编剧: 阿谬•默罕默德
摄影: Albert Hue
声音: Hardesh Singh
剪辑: Akashdeep Singh
主演: Bront Palarae
片长: 72分钟
年份: 2007年
国别: 马来西亚
语言: 马来语 泰语
制作机构: Da Huang Pictures

影片概述 . . . . . .


In the propaganda war against the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), much was made of the fact that the party comprised ethnic Chinese who adopted an atheistic political philosophy. This tactic proved effective as the country was mainly Malay and Muslim. However, a large and influential division of the CPM comprised Malay-Muslims. This documentary is a portrait of life in a tranquil South Thailand village, complete with mosque, where the retired members live in exile. Recollections of the decades-long guerrilla war are interspersed with a fictional Thai radio drama.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Director’s Statement:
When we shot Lelaki Komunis Terakhir (The Last Communist) in late 2005, the unrest in South Thailand deprived us a chance to visit the village comprising Malay-Muslim members of the Communist Party of Malaya. So we resolved to pay them a visit and do a separate documentary on them when we could.
The history of Malaysia, like any other nation, is not served by shutting out voices that do not conform to a hegemonic telling. Otherwise, we would end up with a history of amnesia.

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