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FANHALL ID: if03080
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片名: 大象與海
其它片名: /The Elephant and the Sea
导演: 胡明進
编剧: 胡明進
主演: 陳翠梅, 李承運, 鐘國強, 黃明慧
片长: 96分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 剧情
国别: 马来西亚
语言: 普通话

影片概述 . . . . . .

《大象與海》大膽地以大象和海洋為意象,以充滿地區色彩和詩意的語言探索了馬來西亞在經濟巨變中的的社會百態。片中生澀的小鎮少年,在底層生活中綻放青春的少女以及孤獨沉默的壯年男子,被編織到帶有淡淡哀愁和惆悵的現實氣息之中,凝結成大時代來臨之前波瀾 不驚的寂靜。
二十年前是臺灣,今日是馬來西亞,亞洲電影新潮下一站及可能重回到鄉村路上打拼,然而 時移世易,編導胡明進不用鄉土文學撐場,大膽單刀直入以大象為心像,以大海為意志浴場,作詩性超現實的現代探索。他與《太陽雨》的何宇恒等人的出現,令人開始憧憬馬來西亞 初生的華語電影。

The Elephant and the Sea follows the lives of two individuals in the aftermath of a water borne disease that strikes their fishing village. Has there been a disaster? A deadly epidemic?
A week after the disease takes the life of his wife, Ah Ngau, a fisherman by trade, is sent home with $300 in aid from the government and a cardboard box of useless “donations” from the public. Instead of grieving for his wife, Ah Ngau appears to have found a new sense of freedom, meeting a prostitute and experiencing a long delayed sexual awakening.
Yun Ding makes a living doing an assortment of odd jobs, following his “big brother” Long Chai around. Mostly they cheat and hustle their way around, living off the naiveté of the public. When Long Chai succumbs to the disease, Ding has to make it on his own. But can a person with no direction in his life find something to hold on to?
An intriguing tragic comedy about the isolation of the human condition.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

2008年 里斯本村電影節 – 最佳電影
多倫多國際電影節 – 評審特別獎
數碼電影節 – 最佳導演
首爾數碼電影節 – 影評人獎
巴塞隆納電影節 – 最佳導演
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