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FANHALL ID: if02945
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片名: 醜女
其它片名: /BU・SU
导演: 市川准
编剧: Makiko Uchidate
摄影: Tatsuhiko Kobayashi
美术: Katsumi Kaneda
剪辑: Yoshiyuki Okuhara
主演: Yasuko Tomita, Michiyo Ookusu, Kazue Ito
音乐: Bun Itakura
片长: 95分钟
年份: 1987年
类型: 剧情
国别: 日本
语言: 日语
制作机构: Amuse Cinemy City

影片概述 . . . . . .

年他首次跨足电影This high-school drama is about a girl who wants to be a geisha (japanese prostitute). She lives with her aunt who runs a geisha-house. The movie follows the girl in school, where she's not accepted by other students and during her, not so succesfull, education for geisha at her aunts house. Live seems to get better when she's asked to perform on a schooltheater night, as a traditional dancer...

The story is very chaotic, which a lot of irrelevant sidelines and a very sudden end (at first I thought the projector broke down). Beside a couple of absurd moments the movie is boring and too long.


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