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FANHALL ID: if02929
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片名: 平衡末日
其它片名: /Equilibrium
导演: 张翔峰, 张杨, 宋小春, 任凭
制片人: 李忠科, 郭韬, 姚亮亮
主演: 李漪, 王文俊, 白杰, 尹奕博, 蒋艺
片长: 15分钟
类型: 剧情片
语言: 汉语
格式: DV

影片概述 . . . . . .

The end of human kind is the beginning of the species. We compose that at the first of our society; the human kind and the specie race are sharing the time and place together. The species race is for a long time hate human kind’s control, and wants to overthrow men’s control. Therefore, the battle lasts to today. Then, what would happen around us……

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