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FANHALL ID: if02708
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导演: Dounia Bovet-Wolteche
编剧: Mathias Bouffier
摄影: Dounia Bovet-Wolteche
声音: Alexandre Davidson
片长: 53分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
语言: 法语
格式: 黑白
制作机构: Néon Rouge Production ASBL

影片概述 . . . . . .

远处的海岸,停泊的渔船,歌声,远处的叹息,这些构成了本部电影的轮廓:环地中海地区的海岸。阿尔及利亚独立之后的1962年,Axelle还是一个年轻教师。因为和已经死去的朋友Ali的约定,她来到了地中海,一次又一次的,从一个海岸走到另一个海岸。这不仅是为了忠于友情,而且也是为了独立的理想和忠于独立的人们。《雾的根源》是Dounia Bouvet-Wolteche的处女作。通过丰富的素材和16mm的黑白胶片,导演将我们从阿尔及尔带到提济乌祖的阿里。这是一个由拍摄者、Axelle 和 Ali三个人分别讲述的故事。
A coast somewhere in the distance, an arrival by boat, and some singing, a distant insistent lament. These few shots introduce the outline of the film: a crossing of the Mediterranean, from one shore to the other. A crossing by Axelle, who first took the trip in 1962 as a young schoolteacher, right after the independence of Algeria. From one shore to another, and from one time to another, as a gesture of loyalty to a friend she knew back then, Ali, who has just passed away. Loyalty to a friend, but also to the ideals of Independence and to the people who dreamt about and conquered it. Les racines du brouillard (The roots of fog) is Dounia Bouvet-Wolteche’s first film. Through the rich material and texture of 16mm black and white film, she brings us from Algiers to Ali’s place in Tizi- Ouzou. Showed as reverse-shots are what we quickly understand to be the last images of her friend, when hospitalised in France. It is a three-voice tale told by the filmmaker, Axelle and Ali, who calls up in snatches his political struggles, his times in jail and his death sentence meted out by the French authorities. Periods mingle and stories take shape, making breaks with desynchronized sound, working at once on gaps and proximity, moments and times, voices.
The journey takes us back to the land, back to the past, and through today’s Kabylia, from one war to another, with decolonisation, hopes and missed dates as a background. But the process is devoid of any nostalgia, as the Kabyle proverb in the title suggests: one must look out for the roots of fog, that is to say, search for the impossible in order not to give way to resignation, hang on and transmit beyond mourning, just like these children voices whose reading, with Axelle’s, of Ali’s memories of fight punctuate the film.

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