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Double Portrait

FANHALL ID: if02404
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片名: Double Portrait
其它片名: 梦想交会/夢想交會
导演: Mariusz Front
片长: 109分钟
年份: 2001年
类型: 剧情
格式: SONY PC1

影片概述 . . . . . .

Ewa has just graduated from the Acting Faculty in the School for Theatre Arts, Michal from the Directing Faculty. Now it is time to start a professional life. Ewa attends auditions, Michal tries to get attention of various film producers to his script. But - for now - without success. They observe the world watching pictures shot by Michal with a digital camera and patiently bide their time. But also, they have to set their past in order and come to terms with reality.

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