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The Cloud of Unknowing

FANHALL ID: if02400
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片名: The Cloud of Unknowing
其它片名: 云端生死恋/雲端生死戀
导演: Richard Sylvarnes
片长: 84分钟
年份: 2002年
类型: 实验剧情
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
格式: SONY VX1000

影片概述 . . . . . .

A doctor's wife drowns in a car accident while he is driving. Three years later, the widowed doctor suspects that his dead wife's spirit has possessed a young woman who has just barely escaped the same fate. Skeptical doctor is drawn to visiting a psychic. Moved by the doctor's memories and his crushing sense of guilt, Nicholas nevertheless tries to help Bennett overcome his past.

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