片名: | 鍾意無罪 |
其它片名: | 中意无罪/Love is Not a Sin |
导演: | 陳建德 |
主演: | 文月柔, 林淑雯 |
片长: | 83分钟 |
年份: | 2002年 |
类型: | 剧情 |
国别: | 中国香港 |
语言: | |
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影片概述 . . . . . .
少女情懷總是詩?然而對兩個從小玩到大的澳門少女阿 Moon和雯雯來說,青春不但殘酷,更像一部恐怖片。在空氣清新,綠蔭處處的澳門郊區,向來是少女編織夢想的搖籃。一次陰錯陽差,雯雯發現好友阿Moon竟是男兒身!情竇已開之際,竟還殺出一個自稱是阿Moon哥哥的神秘客,這三人於是無端牽入一場荒誕倫理大悲劇。
"Is this a love story or a horror story?" Starting off as a tale about two best friends falling in love, Love is Not a Sin unfolds with every outrageous element thrown in long-lost siblings, incestuous thoughts, and long distance relationships with a non-existent lover. Hardly can a film be more gripping and amusing when the characters mostly linger in some remote village on the Macanese island of Coloane. Low on budget but high on drama, Chan's film is more a winner than a sinner.
"Is this a love story or a horror story?" Starting off as a tale about two best friends falling in love, Love is Not a Sin unfolds with every outrageous element thrown in long-lost siblings, incestuous thoughts, and long distance relationships with a non-existent lover. Hardly can a film be more gripping and amusing when the characters mostly linger in some remote village on the Macanese island of Coloane. Low on budget but high on drama, Chan's film is more a winner than a sinner.
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