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Russkiy kovcheg

FANHALL ID: if02392
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片名: Russkiy kovcheg
其它片名: The Russian Ark/創世紀
导演: Boris Khaimsky, Anatoli Nikiforov
主演: Sergei Dontsov, Mariya Kuznetsova, Leonid Mozgovoy
片长: 99分钟
国别: 俄罗斯 意大利
格式: hdv

影片概述 . . . . . .

部由俄國電影大師亞歷山大o蘇古諾夫以及德國第一把交椅的行動攝影師Tilman Buttner(知名作品是《蘿拉快跑》)一同合作的影片,自從去年在法國坎城影展首映以來,一直是眾所矚目的焦點。原本Sokurov想用35mm拍攝《創世紀》,但因為一台35mm的攝影機大概二十幾公斤,再壯的攝影師也撐不住十五分鐘。最後藉著HD攝影機的方便性與磁帶的錄攝長度,替他解決了這些技術上的問題,繼而向全世界觀眾呈現一部真正一鏡到底的長片。
This documentary-type movie, done all in one long, unbroken take with a steadicam, has the camera basically hovering around a famous Russian museum for an hour and-a-half as the unseen film director (both by us and the others in the museum) makes comments, as if in a dream, and converses with a French, former diplomat from the 1800s. It's a mix of a museum tour, Russian history, and performance art -- Catherine the Great appears at one point, desperately looking for the toilet. I liked it because it's about the closest thing to a dreamstate you can get in film, something like the long tracking shots in Tarkovsky's movies; I didn't get a lot of the references to Russian historical figures, but it doesn't really matter. However, if you know Russian history, you may get extra enjoyment out of it and might latch onto the sarcastic bits better than I did. I think this is a real achievement; a perfect example of how style is substance. 9/10

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勃然大虎影碟 看过
评分: 6分 年月:2005.06

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