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FANHALL ID: if02272
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片名: Deadline
其它片名: 生死一线/死亡線
导演: Katy Chevigny, Kirsten Johnson
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 紀錄片
国别: 美国
语言: 英语

影片概述 . . . . . .

冤獄救援是許多反死刑運動的萌芽起源,一群芝加哥西北大學新聞系師生協助調查並為多名死囚洗清罪名,引起了美國伊利諾州州長雷恩(Ryan)的良心煎熬。 本片忠實紀錄了雷恩州長在2003年1月10日為何採取美國司法史上「最大規模死刑犯全面性減刑措施」之舉,他在卸任前兩天以「死刑的非道德性」為理由, 宣布予該州的167名死囚犯全面減刑,所有的死囚都被改為「終身監禁」,其中包括一名即將在48小時後遭處決的死囚。電恩在前晚給死囚案受害者家屬的信中 除對他們表示同情外,也以因為避免將任何可能的無辜者處決,他仍必須採取這項措施,支持廢除死刑制度人士對雷恩此舉讚揚有加,然而此一行動亦引發美國社會 對死刑制度的廣泛討論。

Directed by Katy Chevigny and Kirsten Johnson
A group of North Western University students' investigation over false imprisonment for death row inmates caught the attention of governer Ryan of Illinois. "Deadline" captures governer Ryan's action to change all death penality inmates to life-in-prison, based on the "immorality of death penality", just days before completion for his term. Such act covers 167 death inmates, including one that would be excuted in 48 hours. In a letter to families of all the victims, Governer Ryan expressed tremendous sympathy for what they have to go through, and explained his motive behind the act is to spare innocent lives from being taken away. Governor Ryan received heavy praise from the anti death penality activists, yet sparked wide-ranging debate over the topic in the general American society.

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