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FANHALL ID: if02101
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片名: 同志亦凡人之拉子秀
其它片名: Queer comrades: Lalalalala Lesbians
导演: 魏建刚
制片人: 涂建平
摄影: 管盛盛
声音: 管盛盛
剪辑: 管盛盛
音乐: 冯海宁
片长: 28分钟
年份: 2009年
国别: 中国
语言: 国语
制作机构: 同志亦凡人 Queer Comrades

影片概述 . . . . . .


It’s adieu to QAF Beijing and a big bonjour to Queer Comrades! We’re back with a blast people, serving you a brand new season of our restyled show! Let the pink blossoms of spring guide you to our freshly mowed rainbow fields. You’ll be greeted by interesting talks, sparkling entertainment and … a female host!! 
That’s right, this season we’ll be joined by a lesbian comrade and in this first episode we’ll give you a report of the adventurous journey we undertook to find her. Countless talented women applied, they all graciously succeeded in the tests we laid out for them and they left us gasping for breath. We had to make heartbreaking choices to choose our girl companion, yet the process left us clear with one thing: we lalalala love lesbians!  

导演阐述 . . . . . .

“同志亦凡人”是用播客视频以一种自由的,轻松的谈话方式来讨论和分享最新的,最前沿的同志生活。每一集我们都邀请到在不同领域工作的同志人士,以一种非常个人的态度来分享在大环境下自我的同志认识. 我们想通过一个更直观的自由讨论形式的同志访谈视频,来传递积极,健康的,具有多样性的同志资讯,希望更多的国内同志可以从我们的播客视频中了解到当代世界及中国同志社会的发展,通过我们的播客视频观众也将看到很多的同志人士献身访谈,用一种更直观的视觉语言来面对社会,来积极推动中国同志视像社区的发展。 

Director’s Statement:
“Queer As Folk Beijing” is a weekly online show which discusses the newest and hippest aspects of Chinese gay life in a relaxed and unrestrained way. We send out positive gay messages, presenting an entertaining exploration of the dynamic characteristics of China’s burgeoning gay culture and discussing the global gay movement. The result is a hip, timely and fun program that does not spend time justifying homosexuality, instead choosing to appreciate its intricacies in- and outside of China. Every week Xiao Gang and Liang Ma invite a guest to talk on a particular issue impacting the lives of gays in China. In addition to studio conversations, each half-hour show features an on-location segment including interviews with experts and street surveys.

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