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Isola nuda

FANHALL ID: if02099
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片名: Isola nuda
其它片名: 赤裸之岛/Naked Island
导演: Debora Inguglia
编剧: Debora Inguglia, Diego Della Volpe
制片人: Silvia Scerrino
摄影: Agata Katia Lo Coco
声音: Danilo Romancino, Luca Rinaudo
剪辑: Dario Riccobono
片长: 54分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 英国
制作机构: Associazione Culturale Visionaria

影片概述 . . . . . .

1939年,一群卡塔尼亚男人被逮捕、审讯,并做身体检查,因为自1800年代以来一直流传着一种说法,即同性恋是一种可以被诊断出来的病态。这些男人,总数大约四十个,随即被办禁在乌斯提卡岛上。这在那时并非孤立事件,把同性恋集中起来流放到遥远之处,是为了保护所谓的公共道德,并且是为了营造理想的家庭和国家,以推行法西斯政府所谓的创造“新人”计划。这部作品是“Sensi Contemporanei Cinema e Audiovisivo”计划的一部分,与西西里地区文化遗产、环境和永久教育部及西西里电影节合作完成。

In 1939 a group of men from Catania was arrested, interrogated, and physically examined for clinical signs that would distinguish them as homosexual according to beliefs, circulating since the late 1800s, that homosexuality was a disorder that could be clinically diagnosed. The men, about 40 in all, were then banned to the Island of Ustica. Not an isolated event at the time, homosexuals were rounded up and banned to far away places in an attempt to protect public morality against indecency and to promote the fascist regime’s program for the creation of “the new man” dedicated to the ideals of family and country. This work is part of the program "Sensi Contemporanei Cinema e Audiovisivo" in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage, Environment and Permanent Education Department of Sicily Region and with Sicilia Film Festival.

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