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FANHALL ID: if02097
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片名: Backstage
其它片名: 后台
导演: Davide Maldi
编剧: Davide Maldi, Brendan Dalton
制片人: Davide Maldi
摄影: Paul Kurt
声音: Davide Maldi
剪辑: Davide Maldi
主演: Takuya Shimodaira, Damien, Lisa Perry,
音乐: Sage Atwood, Gabriele Buonasorte, Alessandro Sgarito, Raffaele Inno
片长: 16分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: New York Film Academy

影片概述 . . . . . .


Is it possible to understand more about people's life, when we look them in the moment they think nobody see them? Three episodes so different but, at the same time, so similar; one woman, a diva from Burlesque Theatre, in the moment before going on stage; sweet and strong Mike, a workman, who is always obedient with his boss; then Shimo, a japanese boy, a tourist in a foreign big city. Three stories set in New York.

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