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FANHALL ID: if02094
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片名: Paillettes
其它片名: 亮閃閃
导演: Cinzia Pedrizzetti
制片人: Rachele Invernizzi
剪辑: Claudio Bononi
主演: Danilo Visconti, Andrea Luini, Elaine Mata Jones
音乐: Fabrizio Campanelli
片长: 4分钟
年份: 2007年
国别: 意大利

影片概述 . . . . . .


Set in an era in which we are forced to take on different roles andcorresponding uniforms, the film tells the story, or better, scenes fromthe life a man who leads two lives: shirt and tie by day and spike heelsby nights. To escape, to hide, or just to feel fancy free? By night, asequined jacket can overturn roles and positions. The man, his identities,his desires are all recognizable, and capture the eyes of a student who, recognizing the man, leads him to discover them.

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