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FANHALL ID: if02079
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片名: 盛夏光年
其它片名: /Eternal Summer
导演: 陳正道
编剧: 許正平
制片人: 陳正道
摄影: 林志堅
声音: 杜篤之
剪辑: 顧曉芸
主演: 張睿家, 張孝全, 楊淇
音乐: 鄭偉杰
片长: 95分钟
年份: 2006年
国别: 中国台湾
语言: 国语
制作机构: 前滾翻工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .

守恆從小就是一個壞小孩,而正行是個乖小孩 ;有一天老師希望好小孩可以影響壞小孩,於是就規定好小孩要陪伴在孤獨的壞小孩身旁,慢慢的影響他,讓他有一天也能成為一個好小孩。

Summertime. You and me. There is no word to describe us. Are we friends or are we lovers? 
Shane and Jonathan first meet at a primary school by the sea. Shane is the class clown, while Jonathan is the no.1 student. One day, the teacher sets up a game called “Little Guardian Angel” where good students are paired with bad students in order to reform them. Against his will, Jonathan is paired with Shane. What starts off as an awkward friendship gradually evolves into forbidden love. 
No matter how the stars spin in the universe, Jonathan always stands by Shane. No matter what happens, Jonathan always supports Shane through thick and thin. Until the day a lonely girl called Carrie, enters their lives. Like a fast-burning comet, she brings hope, beauty, happiness, and sorrow.
Earthquakes may shatter economy and politics, but it cannot break the secret between the three young people.
When Shane, Jonathan, and Carrie go back to the beach, returning to the origin of their story, they finally understand that…no matter what secret they have… no soul was born to be alone.

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