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FANHALL ID: if02065
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片名: 未标题3号
其它片名: /Untitled-3
导演: 李凝
编剧: 李凝
制片人: 李凝
摄影: 韩涛, 李凝, 葛唯翰, 陈蔚, 明凯, 刘云青
声音: 李凝
剪辑: 李凝
主演: 李凝
片长: 分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 实验

影片概述 . . . . . .


A probe into the existing basis of "identity".
Inspiration comes from writer's creation--In order to create lively and distinctive characters, writers go to experience what they will write about, observe the life and accumulate source material...They usually can't distinguish themselves from the created characters. Li Ning, the performer, thinks the characters are the reflection of the writer himself which exists in his self-consciousness.
,also in Chinese.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Director’s Statement:
A probe into the existing basis of "identity".
Inspiration comes from writer's creation--In order to create lively and distinctive characters, writers go to experience what they will write about, observe the life and accumulate source material...They usually can't distinguish themselves from the created characters. Li Ning, the performer, thinks the characters are the reflection of the writer himself which exists in his self-consciousness.
,also in Chinese.

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评分: 9分 年月:2010.06

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