Ostroznie, Yeti!
片名: | Ostroznie, Yeti! |
其它片名: | /Beware of Yeti! |
导演: | Andrzej Czekalski |
编剧: | Andrzej Czekalski, Andrzej Brzozowski |
摄影: | Henryk Depczyk, Jan Janczewski |
美术: | Maria Szafran |
声音: | Józef Koprowicz |
剪辑: | Krystyna Batory |
主演: | Roman Polanski, Jarema Stepowski, Stefan Bartik, Ludwik Benoit, Bogusz Bilewski |
音乐: | Lucjan Kaszycki |
片长: | 77分钟 |
年份: | 1961年 |
类型: | 剧情 |
国别: | 波兰 |
语言: | 波兰语 |
格式: | |
制作机构: | Zespol Filmowy "Syrena" |
影片概述 . . . . . .
don't know what the guy before me is talking about, perhaps some other movie.. what yeti? what destruction??
yeti escaped from a packet it was transported in an now is lost somewhere in warsaw. a professor together with his pal - a prisoner are looking for the poor creature, but difficulties a la monty python are mushrooming in front of them. worth seeing, definitely. if you want you can get it :)
very specific polish sense of humor, not easily understandable by non-poles. and, unfortunately, by large amount of today's poles as well :(
yeti escaped from a packet it was transported in an now is lost somewhere in warsaw. a professor together with his pal - a prisoner are looking for the poor creature, but difficulties a la monty python are mushrooming in front of them. worth seeing, definitely. if you want you can get it :)
very specific polish sense of humor, not easily understandable by non-poles. and, unfortunately, by large amount of today's poles as well :(
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