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12 registi per 12 città

FANHALL ID: if01828
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片名: 12 registi per 12 città
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导演: Alberto Lattuada, Bernardo Bertolucci, Ermanno Olmi, MichelGiuseppe Bertolucciangelo Antonioni, Mauro Bolognini, Carlo Lizzani, Mario Monicelli, Gillo Pontecorvo, Francesco Rosi, Mario Soldati, Lina Wertmüller, Franco Zeffirelli
音乐: Nicola Piovani, Ennio Morricone, Piero Piccioni
片长: 90分钟
国别: 意大利
语言: 意大利语
制作机构: Istituto Luce

影片概述 . . . . . .

Antonioni films great monuments and sights in Rome, ending up at the roof of the Cistene chapel in Vaticano. He films it so beautifully that, at an art gallery screening, you almost forget that this is essentially a tourism film.

It is a rare treat to see such beautiful celluloid expended on just sight-seeing. But, having been to Rome, i know the sights really deserve seeing!

This is really Antonioni's passion. He probably enjoyed making this much more than he enjoyed making La Notte (which was all about character).

But I personally wish Antonioni wouldn't spend his time filming other people's great works of art instead of making the next Blowup - but he's 83 at time of writing, and that's how he did choose to spend it, so we have to just savour those few features he did make.

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