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Dracula cerca sangue di vergine... e morì di sete!!!

FANHALL ID: if01801
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片名: Dracula cerca sangue di vergine... e morì di sete!!!
其它片名: 魔鬼之血/Andy Warhol's Dracula
导演: Paul Morrissey
编剧: Paul Morrissey, Bram Stoker, Pat Hackett
制片人: Jean Yanne, Andrew Braunsberg, Andy Warhol
摄影: Luigi Kuveiller
美术: Gianni Giovagnoni
声音: Paolo Pietrangeli
剪辑: Jed Johnson, Franca Silvi
主演: Udo Kier, Joe Dallesandro, Vittorio De Sica, Maxime McKendry, Arno Juerging
音乐: Claudio Gizzi
片长: 103分钟
年份: 1974年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利 法国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Compagnia Cinematografica Champion

影片概述 . . . . . .

This is a retelling of the story of Dracula. And by retelling, I mean it's a totally new story with buckets of blood and sex. The story is about Dracula's quest to drink the blood of a virgin(or as he calls them, "Wirgins) woman. His sidekick gets to go to Italy with him as he hears that there's many religious families there whose daughters have got to be pure wirgins! The problem is that the religious family he shacks up with houses a very horny and sexually active communist farm boy who has deflowered almost all the daughters, except one! This film is fun. I enjoyed the campy quality of it all. I liked how silly and overdone the violence and sex is. There are a lot of breasts and rears along with quite a bit of over-the-top dismemberment and projectile blood. This is very psychotic stuff. If you want a good laugh, check it out.

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