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FANHALL ID: if01531
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片名: rPrincess
其它片名: 公主追杀令
导演: Anders Morgenthale
编剧: Anders Morgenthaler, Mette Heeno
制片人: Jens Arnoldus, Sarita Christensen
摄影: Kasper Andersen
美术: Gitte Bundgaard-Malling
声音: Jakob Garfield, Julien Naudin, Kasper Rasmussen, Peter Schou
剪辑: Mikkel E.G. Nielsen
主演: Thure Lindhardt, Stine Fischer Christensen, Jens Arentzen, Rasmus Bjerg
音乐: Mads Brauer, Casper Clausen
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 剧情 动画 暴力 情色
国别: 丹麦 德国
语言: 丹麦语
格式: 动画 hdv
制作机构: Shotgun Pictures

影片概述 . . . . . .

If you mix the set up of "Leon the Professional" with the style of "Kill Bill" and "Sin City" you expect a good movie, but this one - against all odds - was poor. The artwork drawing reminded me of the Simpsons very first episode (yes, the one drawn by Ullmann). So if you like Mangas, the cartoon style of Kill Bill or anything else from the toon's Hollywood can offer - you will be more than disappointed! Lame to ugly graphics! Only the music isn't that bad - and "watching" the movie with your eyes closed might the way get a decent impression. Of course, if you want to make a movie about a child growing up between whores it is probably the best way to do it - because you don't have to have a real kid doing the acting. But, nevertheless, this topic is not worthy doing a movie about - rather a documentary. To sum it up: It is a movie the world didn't need combined with a failed attempt of stealing innovative styles from blockbusters

浪子回头的奥古斯特(Thure Lindhardt拓尔•林德哈特 音)皈依天主教,成为一名传教士。某天噩耗传来,他的姐姐克里斯蒂娜(Stine Fischer Christensen 音)吸毒过量死亡。克里斯蒂娜是一名色情录影带女明星,生前风光无限。如今香消玉殒,却留下一个年仅5岁的女儿米娅(Mira Hilli Møller Hallund 音)无人照看。为了避免外甥女受到伤害,奥古斯特将米娅接到自己的住处,但他却发现,米娅已经被那黑暗的色情产业所污染。
  奥古斯特的愤怒无法遏制,于是决心向这一切的始作俑者查理(Christian Tafdrup 音)——克里斯蒂娜的男朋友——复仇……

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  开始做为好人和牧师存在的August 使用非凡的暴力手段疯狂的去为自己的姐姐复仇
  而她幼小的女儿Mia 对一切是如此天真无知 却是个一出场就已经破碎的娃娃
  只有那只叫穆特的小黄兔 始终是善良的悲伤的
——2009-04-07 00:57:18,4444上传

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