Moadon beit hakvarot
片名: | Moadon beit hakvarot |
其它片名: | 公墓俱乐部/The Cemetery Club |
导演: | Tali Shemesh |
编剧: | Tali Shemesh |
制片人: | Assaf Amir, Guy Lavie |
摄影: | Sharon De Mayo |
声音: | Aviv Aldema |
剪辑: | Aliza Esquira |
主演: | Tali Shemesh, Lena Bar, Minya Rubin |
音乐: | Eldad Gwetta, Rona Kenan |
片长: | 90分钟 |
年份: | 2006年 |
类型: | 纪录片 |
国别: | 以色列 |
语言: | 波兰语/希伯来语 |
格式: | |
制作机构: | Noga Communications |
影片概述 . . . . . .
Tali, the director of the movie films the meetings of Holocaust survivors as they gather on Mount Herzel National Cemetery. The movie catches the idiosyncrasies of the elderly people. Sometimes these have a comic irony.
As the time passes, some of them pass away and that is emotional. Somehow, that draws them more.
Also Tali interviews and follows with camera her grandmother and her aunt. That keeps the movie in the family and makes it, in this way, more intimate and sensitive to nuances. The images in Poland are also emotional.
Sometimes the camera films from a different room and peeks into the conversation of the two women. This method stresses the effect of a confession even if looks second class filming.
It is also a tribute to our older parents and a description of how they may feel.
I wish I could see the movie once in awhile to remember me about parents and about the limits of our lives星期六早上10点,几个老人每个人带着一把塑料椅来到耶鲁撒冷的蒙特哈兹国家公墓。他们在一棵古老的松树树荫下围圈而坐,然后兴奋地谈论时事、历史、文学……
As the time passes, some of them pass away and that is emotional. Somehow, that draws them more.
Also Tali interviews and follows with camera her grandmother and her aunt. That keeps the movie in the family and makes it, in this way, more intimate and sensitive to nuances. The images in Poland are also emotional.
Sometimes the camera films from a different room and peeks into the conversation of the two women. This method stresses the effect of a confession even if looks second class filming.
It is also a tribute to our older parents and a description of how they may feel.
I wish I could see the movie once in awhile to remember me about parents and about the limits of our lives星期六早上10点,几个老人每个人带着一把塑料椅来到耶鲁撒冷的蒙特哈兹国家公墓。他们在一棵古老的松树树荫下围圈而坐,然后兴奋地谈论时事、历史、文学……
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