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Coming Attractions: The History of the Movie Trailer

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片名: Coming Attractions: The History of the Movie Trailer
导演: Michael J. Shapiro, Jeff Werner
编剧: Frederick L. Greene, Scott McIsaac
制片人: Frederick L. Greene, Will Gorges, Stephen Netburn, Don Scotti
摄影: Edgar Llamas, Bruce Schultz, Robert Osborne, José Louis Mignone
剪辑: Dirk Meenen
主演: Robert Osborne, Chris Arnold, Dan Asma
片长: 128分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Andrew J. Kuehn Jr. Foundation, The

影片概述 . . . . . .


阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克/Alfred Hitchcock (I) ………… Himself (archive footage)
斯坦利·库布里克/Stanley Kubrick ………… Himself (archive footage)
弗朗科依斯·特吕弗/François Truffaut ………… Himself (archive footage)
史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格/Steven Spielberg (I) ………… Himself
罗宾·威廉斯/Robin Williams (I)(美国) ………… Himself (archive footage)
John Barrymore (I)/John Barrymore (I) ………… Himself (archive footage)
Saul Bass/Saul Bass ………… Himself (archive footage)
安妮·巴克斯特/Anne Baxter ………… Herself (archive footage)
乔·丹特/Joe Dante (I) ………… Himself
Cecil B. DeMille/Cecil B. DeMille ………… Himself (archive footage)
乔·舒马赫/Joel Schumacher ………… Himself
Sherry Lansing/Sherry Lansing ………… Herself
Christopher Arnold/Christopher Arnold ………… Himself (as Christopher Arnold)
Erica Benson/Erica Benson ………… Herself
William Castle/William Castle ………… Himself (archive footage)
Bruce Cohen/Bruce Cohen ………… Himself
Benedict Coulter/Benedict Coulter ………… Himself
霍华德·达奇/Howard Deutch ………… Himself
Margaret Doppelt/Margaret Doppelt ………… Herself
Pablo Ferro/Pablo Ferro ………… Himself

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