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Rough Aunties

FANHALL ID: if00506
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片名: Rough Aunties
其它片名: 粗暴的阿姨/愤怒的姑妈
导演: Kim Longinotto
制片人: Paul Taylor, Teddy Leifer
摄影: Kim Longinotto
声音: Mary Milton
剪辑: Oliver Huddleston
片长: 103分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 英国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Rise Films

影片概述 . . . . . .

杰基、米尔雷德、尤勒卡、斯杜德拉和图里这几位女人为Bobbi Bear而工作。这是南非杜尔班地区的一家非盈利机构,负责给予受性虐待的儿童心理咨询并将犯罪者绳之以法。由于文化的耻辱观阻碍了报告性虐待事件,并且缺乏与年轻的受害者交流的手段,Bobbi Bear发明了一种让孩子们用熊解释所受虐待的办法。自1992年以来,各个种族的职员们成为保护这些受害者的无畏而强大的声音。如果没有他们,受害者们将继续生活在害怕、无助之中,并被法律系统所忽视。导演Kim Longinotto (曾于2003年Sundance电影节上映《我永远不会忘记的一天》)随着Bobbi Bear的员工们,老道而近距离地记录了与孩子们的直接谈话,和家庭成员的交谈,以及向官方要求逮捕案犯的过程。天天面对这些悲惨的事件,这些女人们从各自身上获取力量,并找到了希望。除了对年轻的受害者的同情,她们也坚定地追求正义,这五个杰出的女人在任务中发现自己转变成为“愤怒的阿姨”。她们超越了种族、文化和社会经济状况的障碍,成为社会进步的有力代言人。

Jackie, Mildred, Eureka, Sdudla, and Thuli are the women behind Bobbi Bear, a nonprofit organization based in Durban, South Africa,
that counsels sexually abused children and works to bring their abusers to justice. Born out of a recognition of cultural stigmas that discourage reporting abuse and inadequate methods of communicating with young victims, Bobbi Bear developed a method of letting children use teddy bears to explain their abuse. Since 1992, the multiracial staff has become the fearless and powerful voice for those victims who would otherwise continue to live in fear, powerless against their oppressors and ignored by the legal system.Director Kim Longinotto (The Day I Will Never Forget screened at the 2003 Sundance Film Festival) adeptly and intimately follows Bobbi Bear staff in difficult direct sessions with children and consultations with family members, and on raids with authorities to arrest the perpetrators of these heinous acts. Facing tragedy daily as part of their advocacy work and, heartbreakingly for some, in their personal lives, the women draw strength from each other and find hope despite the suffering around them.Equally as compassionate to the young victims as they are steadfast in their pursuit of justice, these five exceptional women have found themselves transformed by their mission into "rough aunties," crossing barriers of race, culture, and socioeconomic status to become formidable agents of change in their community.

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