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The Reckoning

FANHALL ID: if00474
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片名: The Reckoning
其它片名: 清算
导演: Pamela Yates
制片人: Paco de Onís
摄影: Melle van Essen
剪辑: Peter Kinoy, Dara Kell
音乐: Roger C. Miller
片长: 100分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 美国
语言: 英语

影片概述 . . . . . .

本片跟踪记录了ICC检察官Luis Moreno-Ocampo三年里,跨越4大洲,追踪起诉乌干达,刚果,苏丹等国领导人为其境内暴行应负的责任。。。。。。

Late in the twentieth century, in response to horrific atrocities igniting increasingly around the world, more than 60 countries united to launch the International Criminal Court (ICC)—the first permanent home for prosecuting perpetrators (no matter how powerful) of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.Pamela Yates's The Reckoning follows charismatic ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo for three years across four continents as he and his team tirelessly issue arrest warrants for Lord’s Resistance Army leaders in Uganda, put Congolese warlords on trial, challenge the U.N. Security Council to help indict Sudan’s president for the Darfur massacres, and shake up the Colombian justice system. As you can imagine, building cases against genocidal criminals is no cakewalk. Moreno-Ocampo has a mandate but no police force. At every turn, he must pressure the international community to muster political clout for the cause. Like a deft thriller, The Reckoning keeps you on the edge of your seat, in this case with two riveting dramas—the prosecution of unspeakable crimes and the ICC’s fight for efficacy in its nascent years. As this tiny court in The Hague struggles to change the world and forge a new paradigm for justice, innocent victims suffer and wait. Will Moreno-Ocampo succeed? Will the world ensure that justice prevails?

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